Songwriting Spar

11am PT/2pm ET/7pm UK on YouTubeFacebook | Twitch

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Travel to the centre of the whole music universe: songwriting. Without great songs, beats and concepts there’s nothing to produce, mix and master!

In each episode out of London, songwriter Alex Von Soos, who’s had No. 1s in the UK and South Korea, will show you some of the many differences between “ok” songs and great songs that move millions of listeners. If you’re an ambitious songwriter, you can’t afford to miss this!

Topics are on rotation, but focusing on different “master” songs each time. Some of these songs we’ll suggest, others will come from the students’ favourites, just like in a live class. The bravest students can also submit their songs for feedback at the end!

Join us for an informal live gathering on a Sunday to dissect the greatest pop songs around!

Mar 14 | Arrangement—Present Your Song In The Best Possible Light
Mar 7 | Chords—Move Your Listeners Before Singing A Single Word
Feb 28 | Melody—Make Sure Your Listeners Want To Sing It Back
Feb 14 | Lyrics—What Your Listeners Would LOVE To Say But Can’t