Author: GMPi

We’re hiring!

Garnish music production & DJ school, already established in London and LA seek top quality music production instructors to teach serious adults in the new location in Downtown Brooklyn near the Barclays Center and all the subway lines there. Main subjects to start are...

What Is Burning Man?

Who are we, some may say, to answer the question what is Burning Man? After all, as virgin ‘Burners’ one veteran barely give us the time of day, let alone the chance to answer such a deep and meaningful question. Is there snobbery from older...

5 Mixing Mistakes to Avoid

by Katie Gilchrest When it comes to mixing, establishing a balance is one of the most important parts of creating a professional sounding production. Some of the same miscalculations are made again and again, and fortunately there are ways to recognize, avoid and fix them....